A Message for Men in Crisis

A Message for Men in Crisis

A Message for Men in Crisis

Does it seem that life is passing you by, and that you're not taking full advantage of the short amount of time you have on this earth? If so, you aren't alone.

Things aren't looking good for most men in America.
Society in general is labeling masculine behavior as "toxic".
Women generally are becoming more masculine, which is causing difficulties in many marriages. Testosterone levels are decreasing rapidly. Many men are losing the drive to achieve more in life.  

But all is not lost! Fathers and husbands are beginning to wake up and see the world for what it really is and gaining clarity through life coaching. Young single men are being mentored by professionals and others who have "been there", and they are gaining insight.

How can we as men get our masculinity back?  

First, let's see what the problem is. Men are often raised by their mothers and have very little interaction with their fathers.
Young boys are taught by women in school. Then they grow-up and are mostly interacting with the opposite sex in all-encompassing relationships. They never get a chance to interact with men. This is a far change from times past, when boys and young men spent time with their male mentors in the fields and places of business.

The answer for most men is to spend quality time interacting with other men. This is even alluded to in the Bible!

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Could it be that men aren't "sharp" as they could be, because of limited interaction with their male peers? In our practice, men seem to make positive progress when being coached by Dr. Petty or counseled by Dr. Herbert, who helps them to achieve lasting, positive change. In the case of our faith-based counseling, most difficulties are resolved in as few as six sessions!

If you are a man, be sure to make time with your male buddies. That's Tip #1.

Stay tuned for more tips and suggestions for men who want to do the work and get to the next level!

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